A family in Stratford-upon-Avon discovers their car damaged by a meteorite after mistaking the noise for fireworks

Stratford-upon-Avon: Can you believe it? A family woke up to find their car’s windscreen smashed by a meteorite! They thought it was just fireworks the night before.
Paul Butler, 55, and his family were chilling at home when they heard a loud bang. They shrugged it off and went to bed. But the next morning, Paul stepped outside and saw the damage.
His son Nathan, just 12, found a shiny black rock near the car. It was about 2cm long and definitely didn’t look like any ordinary stone. Curious, he grabbed a magnet, and guess what? It stuck!
After some online digging, they figured out it was likely a meteorite that had fallen from the sky. How wild is that? Nathan was super excited and said he thought it might be a meteorite but wasn’t sure until they tested it.
Paul, who runs a forensic science equipment business, said they all heard the bang but thought it was just someone setting off fireworks. It wasn’t until breakfast that he noticed the smashed windscreen.
He and Nathan went outside, and Nathan found that strange black rock. It looked burned and had a weird shape. They were amazed when they realized it was probably from space!
Paul explained that the damage was significant, but thankfully, no one was in the car at the time. His parents had to take their Toyota to a garage and explain how a meteorite caused the damage.
They learned it’s about a billion-to-one chance for a meteorite to hit a car like that. Now, they’re joking about buying lottery tickets! Nathan can’t wait to show off the space rock at school.