Fans of The Chase took to social media to express their disappointment over the latest episode’s challenging questions and low offers from contestants

Liverpool: Viewers were not happy after watching the latest episode of The Chase. Many took to social media to voice their frustrations, saying the questions were way too hard for the contestants.
In Wednesday’s episode, host Bradley Walsh introduced four new players hoping to win big. But things didn’t go smoothly for Amy and Thomas during the cash builder round. They only managed to answer two questions correctly, which left fans feeling pretty disheartened.
One viewer even begged on X, “Oh please make it end. Oh please.” It was clear that many were not impressed with the show’s direction.
Amy’s low offer didn’t help either. Another fan chimed in, saying they stopped watching The Chase because it just wasn’t getting any better. They were clearly frustrated with the show’s format.
Another viewer pointed out that no one was considering the high offers, calling it a waste of a good show. The comments kept rolling in, with one person sarcastically saying, “This is shaping up to be a super team… said no one ever!”
Despite the rocky start, there was a bit of excitement when Emma, the third contestant, made it to the final with a solid £6,000. But then Mark, who also did well in the cash builder, chose a measly £800 offer at the table, leaving fans scratching their heads.
One frustrated fan exclaimed, “YOU GOT 6 GRAND IN THE CASH BUILDER AND YOU TOOK 800? WHAT THE FOOK?” It seems like viewers are really tired of contestants opting for low offers.
Another viewer noted that low offers are becoming the norm, which takes away the thrill of the game. A sympathetic fan even said they felt sorry for Emma, stuck with two players who didn’t take risks.
The Chase airs weekdays at 5pm on ITV1, but it looks like fans are hoping for some changes soon!