Kwame Appiah from Love Is Blind shares his health scare before being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis

Los Angeles: Kwame Appiah recently shared a tough health journey he went through in late 2024. The 34-year-old, known from Netflix’s Love Is Blind, started feeling a bit off in November, but things took a turn for the worse pretty quickly.
By December, he was hit with fevers that lasted three weeks and lost a shocking 20 pounds. That’s when he decided it was time to see a doctor. He opened up on Instagram, saying, “In November, I felt a little sick, but I didn’t think much of it.”
He continued, “Next thing I knew, a month had passed. That month of waiting really took a toll. By the time I got to the doctor, I was really struggling.” The doctor mentioned cancer as a possibility based on his symptoms, which must have been terrifying.
Eventually, Kwame found out he had ulcerative colitis, a chronic condition that causes inflammation in the colon and rectum. It can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, stomach pain, and weight loss, which is no joke.
According to the NHS, about one in three people with this condition might face complications that can be serious. One of those is toxic megacolon, where inflammation causes gas to get trapped, making the colon swell. That sounds really scary!
Despite everything, Kwame felt thankful for the support from his wife, Chelsea Griffin, and others during this tough time. He shared, “I want to remind everyone that life is precious. I didn’t realize how much I valued my daily routines until I couldn’t do them anymore.”
He also emphasized that ignoring small issues can lead to bigger problems. “And remember, information is key. You need to know what you’re up against to fight it,” he added.