Poundland is stepping up its game against shoplifting with undercover staff and new tech to protect its employees and deter thieves

Gloucestershire: So, Poundland is really stepping up its efforts to tackle shoplifting and keep its staff safe. They’ve rolled out some new tech and even hired undercover staff to help with this. It’s all part of a campaign called ‘Against Retail Crime’ aimed at discouraging thieves.
They’re not just sitting back, either. The stores are now instructing security teams to detain anyone they suspect of stealing. Plus, they’re working closely with local police to make sure every incident gets taken seriously. It’s a big deal for them.
With more undercover guards in the mix, Poundland wants to send a clear message: if you steal from us, you will get caught and reported. They’re already seeing some positive changes thanks to this stricter approach.
Just before Christmas, a repeat shoplifter who had been targeting Poundland and other shops in the area got hit with some serious charges. Instead of a slap on the wrist, they faced an 18-month prison sentence. That’s a strong statement from Poundland.
They’ve also started using body cameras in stores where theft is a big issue. After a successful trial, they’re rolling this out to more locations. It seems to be working, as they’ve reported an 11% drop in violence against staff and a decrease in theft.
But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The British Retail Consortium says UK shop workers are facing around 1,300 incidents of violence and abuse every day, which is a huge jump from last year. Poundland has definitely felt the heat, being a prime target for thieves.
Christina Jesty, who heads up loss prevention at Poundland, mentioned how tough things have been lately. She said the rise in theft and abuse has been a real challenge for their team. They’re determined to change that and protect both their staff and their prices.
In her words, “At Poundland, we pride ourselves on being a value-led high street retailer, where protecting our colleagues goes hand in hand with protecting our prices.” Sounds like they’re ready to take a stand!