A cleaning expert reveals an unexpected item to eliminate water stains on shower glass effectively

Dallas: You won’t believe this! A cleaning expert just shared a surprising tip for getting rid of those annoying water stains on your shower glass. You know, those marks that show up because of hard water? They’re mostly from minerals like calcium and magnesium.
When the water evaporates, those minerals stick around and leave behind some pretty unsightly spots. Sometimes, soap residue can mix in and make things even worse. But don’t worry, you don’t need to run out and buy fancy cleaning products. The solution might be sitting right in your bathroom!
According to the Express, a cleaning whizz named Greg Shephard from Dallas Maids has a clever trick. He swears by using shaving foam to tackle those stubborn water spots. Yep, you heard that right! Just grab some shaving cream, put a good amount on the stained area, wait about 15 minutes, and then wipe it off.
Not only does it make your shower doors sparkle, but it can also help prevent them from fogging up after a hot shower. How cool is that? Reports say that glycerin, which is in shaving foam, creates a protective layer on the glass. Knowing these little tricks can really help keep your shower looking fresh and clean.
And here’s another tip: hotels often use soft cloths to dry glass after cleaning to avoid those pesky water spots. So, if you want to keep your shower looking great, make sure to wipe it down with a soft cloth to stop those marks from coming back.