Mark Bullock’s struggle to build an accessible bungalow has hit another snag. Despite new planning definitions, his application was rejected yet again by the council.

He thought this time would be different. There was a new planning definition that could help him. But the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council said no again.
His planning agent, Jim Malkin, argued that a single home wouldn’t cause problems. He believed it wouldn’t harm Cheadle’s character.
Mark submitted three medical letters to support his case. He’s been looking for a suitable bungalow in Cheadle but hasn’t found one yet.
Mark shared his deep connection to Cheadle. He’s lived and worked there all his life. The land he wants to build on has been in his family for over 90 years.
He started this journey because he needs a place that meets his health needs. Living on Park Lane would keep him close to Cheadle’s amenities.
Councillors showed sympathy for Mark’s situation. Councillor Keith Hoptroff mentioned that accepting this application could lead to more similar requests.
Councillor Ian Plant added that they felt restricted in their decision-making. It’s a tough spot for everyone involved.