Spanish Doctor Claims Kitchen Staple May Be Key to Hair Loss Remedy

Spanish Doctor Claims Kitchen Staple May Be Key to Hair Loss Remedy

A Spanish doctor suggests that a common kitchen ingredient could help combat hair loss effectively Spanish Doctor Claims Kitchen Staple May Be Key to Hair Loss Remedy Madrid: So, there’s this interesting news from a Spanish doctor about hair loss. Apparently, nearly half of all men deal with some balding as they get older. In…

Doctor Reveals Why Your Body ‘Jolts’ When Falling Asleep

Doctor Reveals Why Your Body ‘Jolts’ When Falling Asleep

A doctor explains the surprising reasons behind those jolting sensations as you drift off to sleep Doctor Reveals Why Your Body ‘Jolts’ When Falling Asleep London: You know that feeling when you’re super tired, ready to crash, and suddenly your body decides to jolt you awake? It’s the worst! A lot of folks struggle to…